Name: Mladen Surname: Perica Nickname: Strla Date of birth: 22/2/1966 Place of birth: Drnis, Croatia Height (cm) : 191 Weight (kg) : 100 Hair color: Black Eyes color: Green Profession: Businessman Shoes number: 45 Shoes trademark: Munich Sportsman: Goran Ivanisevic Futsal Player: Schumacher Futsal Coach: Javier Lozano Futsal President: Mario Juric Futsal League you would like to play: LNFS Spain Match you remember (+): Grand Prix 2007 Final: Brasil vs Italy
Match you remember (-): Czech Republic vs Croatia, EURO 2010 Qualifiers
Goal you remember: Some Falcao's goals
Career: Futsal Coach MNK Mejasi Split
Croatia U21 and A
Year Futsal Sallary: business secret After the Player Career you will remain in Futsal: Yes Drink: Water Food: Sea food Car, Your Car: Mercedes Clothing: Jeans Color: Blue Actor: Richard Gere Actress: Angelina Jolie Film: Officer and Gentleman Book: American Gigolo Women you like: All, Clever Music: Jazz Singer: Franck Sinatra Town for living: Split, Croatia Place for holidays: Korcula Island, Croatia Football club you like: Hajduk Split Pet (animal) : Fish 3 wishes: Health Health Health
Without Futsal what you would like to do: I can't immagine my life with no Futsal ...
Particular Hobbies: Diving