Khaled Ezzeddine
Futsal Player

Khaled Ezzeddine Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:
Beirut (Lebanon)



Name: Khaled
Surname: Ezzeddine
Date of birth: 26/03/1980
Place of birth: Beirut (Lebanon)
Height (cm) : 169
Weight (kg) : 72
Hair color: blonde
Eyes color: green
Profession: Sales and Marketing manager
Shoes number: 42
Shoes trademark: Adidas
Sportsman: Davor Suker
Futsal Player: Jihad Arafah
Futsal Coach: Mohamad Ali
Futsal President: Hamad Noimi (Qatar)
Futsal League you would like to play: Italy

Match you remember (+):
Qatari League 2006 Final
Match you remember (-):
Brazil - Sapin world cup 2004 semi-final
Goal you remember:
Qatari League 2004 Final (we won 5-4) I scored 4 goals ...


After the Player Career you will remain in Futsal: yes

Drink: mango
Food: chicken
Car, Your Car: BMW
Color: blue
Actor: Russell Crow
Actress: Katherine Zetta Jones
Film: Proof of life
Book: Sign of Philosophy
Women you like: like south americans
Music: pop
Singer: George Wassouf (Arabic singer)
Town for living: Doha
Place for holidays: Lebanon, Cairo, Bangkok
Football club you like: Barcelona
Pet (animal) : bird
Game you like: basketball
3 wishes:
Peace among my country
To be famous coach
Instructor in FIFA

Without Futsal what you would like to do:
Futsal player and coach JJ

Particular Hobbies:
Reading, sports


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