Flavio Sergio Viana (Schumacher)
Futsal Player

Flavio Sergio Viana Schumacher Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:
Sao Paolo (Brazil)



Flavio Sergio Viana Schumacher Details:

Name: Flavio Sergio Viana
Sports name: Schumacher
Date of birth: 31/08/1975
Place of birth: Sao Paulo
Height (cm): 186
Weight (kg): 85
Shoes number: 41
Children: Caio Cesar and Almeida Viana
Sportsman: Ronaldo, Ayrton Senna, Zico
Futsal Coach: Paulo Cesar (PC)

Corinthias 1996 and 1997
GM 1998 and 1999
Selecao Paulista 1998 and 1999
Vasco da Gama 2000 and 2001
Boomerang Intervių Since 2001
Selecao Brasileira Since 1998

With the club
Copa Verao - GM - 1997
Brazilian champion - GM - 1998
Metropolitan champion - GM - 1998
Copa Barueri - GM - 1998
Taca Sao Paulo - GM - 1998
Jogos Abertos do Interior - GM - 1998
Jogos Regionais - GM - 1998
Copa Tramandaė - GM - 1999
Liga Nacional - Vasco - 2000
Brasileiro champion - Vasco - 2000
Metropolitan champion - Vasco - 2000
Carioca - Vasco - 2000
Copa Rio/Sao Paulo/Minas - Vasco - 2000
LNFS - Intervių - 2001/02
Super Copa - Intervių - 2001/02
Super Copa - Intervių - 2002/03
LNFS - Intervių - 2002/03
Super Copa - Intervių - 2003/04
Copa Iberica - Intervių - 2004
Spanish National Cup - Intervių - 2004
UEFA Champions Cup - Intervių - 2004
LNFS - Intervių - 2003/04
Intercontinental Cup - Intervių - 2005
LNFS - Intervių - 2004/05

With Selecao Paulista
National championship for "Selecoes" - Selecao Paulista - 1999

With Brasilian National Team
Copa America - 1999
South-American Championship - 2000
Copa Internacional Rio de Janeiro - 2000

Individual trophies
Best player - First division Sao Paulo - 1996
Best defender - Liga Nacional - 1999
Best player and best defender - Copa Tramandaė - 1999
Best defender - Liga Nacional - 2000
Best defender - LNFS - 2002/03 and 2003

Food: Strogonoff
Color: White
Actor: Luis Fernando Guimaraes
Actress: Whoopy Goldberg
Music: Pagode and Samba
Football club you like: Corinthias
Hobby: Listening to the music

Flavio Sergio Viana Schumacher

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