Giacomo Aliboni
Futsal Coach

Giacomo Aliboni Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:
Seravezza/LU (Italy)


Giacomo Aliboni Details:

Name: Giacomo
Surname: Aliboni
Place of Birth: Seravezza (Lu)
Date of birth: 23/1/1970
Height (cm): 181
Weight (kg): 103
Hair color: Gray
Eyes color: Brown
Profession (if not Futsal): Fireman
Engaged with: Silvia
Childrens: Gabriele
Shoes number: 44
Shoes trademark: Munich
Sportsman: Mico Martic
Football Player:
Marco Van Basten, Giovanni Galli
Futsal Player: Luis Amado, Javi Rodriguez, Pippo Quattrini
Futsal Coach: Tomas De Dios Lopez
Futsal President: Ettore Cerruto
Futsal League where you want train:
I'd try to coach outside Italy
Match you remember (+):
Atlante Grosseto – San Lorenzo SanVi Genova 3-4 (2007/08 serie B gir.A) perfect race, we were the only ones who win in their home

Futsal player:
1990 /1995 Marina di Massa C5
Futsal Coach:
Allenatore di Calcio a 5 “patentino FIGC”
Allenatore di Calcio a 5 “ Primo Livello”
Allenatore Scuola Calcio FIGC/CONI
Preparatore portieri iscritto “Apport - Associazione Sportiva Italiana Preparatori Portieri di Calcio”
1999/00 Brescia Calcio a 5 Serie D
2000/01 Brescia Calcio a 5 Serie D (promozione in C)
2001/02 Brescia Calcio a 5 Serie C (promozione in B)
2002/03 Marina di Massa C5 Under 21
2003/04 Marina di Massa C5 Under 21
2004/05 Sarzanese C5 (promozione in B)
2005/06 Furpile Prato C5 Under 21/Juniores. Collaboratore Mr. Andrejic (A1)
2006/07 IGP Pisa C1
2007/08 San Lorenzo SanVI Genova B gir. A
2008/09 Massa & Marina Under 21
2009/10 Dream Team Viareggio C1

Drink: Beer
Food: Pizza
Car, Your Car: Fiat Doblò, Yamaha FZ6
Clothing: Sportstyle
Color: blue
Actor: Sean Connery
Film: action and comics
Book: Only Futsal and Football books and newspapers
Women you like: blonde
Music: Rock
Singer: Pearl Jam
Town for living: Dublin
Place for holidays: Norway, Finland, Sweden. I like to turn Europe.
Football club you like: Milan
Pat (animal): Golden Retriver
Game you like: Sport Games
Politic: not interested
3 wishes:
It's better to not dreaming,
Health is important

Particular Hobbies: Sci, Sub, Traveling, Futsal

Giacomo Aliboni

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