Esten Oddmund Saether
Futsal Coach

Esten Oddmund Saether Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:
Oslo (Norway)



Name: Esten
Surname: Saether
Date of birth: 13/2/1955
Place of birth: Oslo, Norway
Height (cm) : 192
Weight (kg) : 99
Hair color: Blond (if any?)
Eyes color: Blue
Profession: Commentator
Engaged with: Elin
Children: 3
Shoes number: 45

Match you remember (+): Too many

Goal you remember: Too few

YMCA Oslo 1972 - 2000

Drink: Coffee
Food: Fish
Car, Your Car: Alfa Romeo
Clothing: Italian
Color: Dark
Film: The Deer Hunter
Book: The Bible
Women you like: Too many
Music: Rock
Singer: Peter Gabriel
Town for living: Oslo
Place for holidays: Vietnam
Football club you like: Leeds United
Politic: Left
3 wishes:
To be nice to everyone I meet

Without Futsal what you would like to do:

Particular Hobbies:
Cross country skiing


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