Tadej Levstek
Futsal Player
Futsal Coach

Tadej Levstek Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:
Ljubljana (Slovenia)


Tadej Levstek Details:

Name: Tadej
Surname: Levstek
Nickname: Tedy
Date of birth: 5/2/1975
Place of birth: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Height (cm) : 184
Weight (kg) : 79
Hair color: dark brown
Eyes color: gray-blue
Profession: Physical education teacher
Shoes number: 44
Shoes trademark: Adidas, Kelme, Zeus
Sportsman: Paolo Maldini
Futsal Player: Ricardinho
Futsal Coach: Mico Martic
Futsal President: many of them
Futsal League you would like to play: Serie A1, Italy

Match you remember (+):
Final match U17 season 2007/2008

Match you remember (-):
Semi final U21 season 2008/2009

NK Cerknica

KMN Ribnica, ŠD Extrem
ŠD Extrem Sodražica

Year Futsal Sallary:
??????? what is this, I love Futsal.
After the Player Career you will remain in Futsal:
Yes, as a coach

Drink: Mineral water, coffe
Food: Spagetthi
Car, Your Car: Citroen c5, my car is škoda fabia combi
Color: Blue
Actor: Tom Hanks
Actress: Sandra Bullock
Film: Documentary of Matti Nikennen
Music: Rock n'roll
Singer: Fredy Mercury
Place for holidays: Koper, Slovenia
Football club you like: AC Milan
Politic: no
3 wishes:

Particular Hobbies:
Nordic skiing, skiing, bikeing ...

Tadej Levstek

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